Mohammad Khodabakhshi


Update: 2025-02-21

Mohammad Khodabakhshi

Mathematical Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "A fair-biased allocation of investment between economic sectors using social accounting matrix multiplier analysis"
    Atieh Namazi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    Accounting, Vol. 9, pp.191-202, 2023
  2. "A novel game theoretic method on fair economic resource allocation with multiple Criteria"
    Atieh Namazi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. 18, pp.1-7, 2022
  3. "Ranking of Iranian Executive Agencies Using Audit Court Budget Split Indexes and Data Envelopment Analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Zahra Cheraghali
    Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering, Vol. 9, pp.312-322, 2021
  4. "An approach to cost-benefit analysis by competitive advantages with stochastic data"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Mehdi Ahmadi
    Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 16, 2021
  5. "First record of Nais elinguis Mller, 1773 (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae), Spatio-temporal patterns of its population density and biomass production along two estuaries in the South Caspian Sea, Mazandaran Province, Iran"
    Meysam Tavol Koteri, Mohammad Reza Fatemi, Rezvan Mousavi Nadushan, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol. 18, pp.996-1013, 2019
  6. "Proposing a method for fixed cost allocation using DEA based on the efficiency invariance and common set of weights principles"
    Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Jafar Sadeghi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
  7. "Optimistic and Pessimistic Performance and Congestion Analysis in Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, majid tavana, fateme bagbani abotaleb
    International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 24, pp.1-10, 2016
  8. "ABC classification using DEA Classification of Iranian Universities from students welfare foundation view point"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, M. Rezaee, K. Aryavash
    International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, Vol. 8, pp.1-7, 2016
  9. "Fair ranking of the decision making units using optimistic and pessimistic weights in data envelopment analysis."
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Jafar Sadeghi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
  10. "The Optimistic-Pessimistic Ranking in the Chance Constrained DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 12, pp.1-6, 2015
  11. "Joint Chance-Constrained Reliability Optimization with General Form of Distributions"
    Vincent Charles, Saiful I Ansari, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 12, pp.57-68, 2015
  12. "Sensitivity analysis of input relaxation super efficiency measure in data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, S. Rashidi, M. Asgharian, Luka Nerali?
    Data Envelopment Analysis Journal, pp.113-134, 2015
  13. "Optimization and Decision Science"
    - -, , barnett parker, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, jie wu,
    SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, Vol. 2015, pp.1-2, 2015
  14. "Incorporating Fuzzy AHP and PROMETHEE for Clssification of Student Dormitories in Iran"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, R. Darabi
    Vol. 1, pp.77-92, 2015
  15. "A Non-Radial Input Relaxation Model Approach for Evaluating Input Congestion in Data Envelopment Analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, H. Khairollahi, M. Rezaee, B. Parker
    International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, Vol. 5, pp.45-60, 2015
  16. "Aggregating preference rankings using an optimistic pessimistic approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, kourosh aryavash
    COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 85, pp.13-16, 2015
  17. "Ranking units with fuzzy data in DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    data envellopment analysis decision science, Vol. 2014, pp.1-10, 2014
  18. "Measuring malmquist productivity index for Iranian universities with fuzzy data A possibility approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    data envellopment analysis decision science, Vol. 2014, pp.1-13, 2014
  19. "Review of Input Congestion Estimating Methods in DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, F. H. Lofti, K. Aryavash
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 2014, pp.1-9, 2014
  20. "Ranking decision making units with common weights in DEA"
    Somayeh Ramezani-Tarkhorani, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Said Mehrabian, F Nuri-Bahmani
    APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 38, pp.3890-3896, 2014
  21. "The global Malmquist productivity index under the optimistic-pessimistic approach of DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 11, pp.131-137, 2014
  22. "Modified nonradial supper efficiency models"
    Jahanshahloo H., F. H. Lotfi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 2014, pp.1-5, 2014
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    international journal of management and humanity sciences, Vol. 3, pp.1500-1503, 2014
  24. "The fair allocation of common fixed cost or revenue using DEA concept"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
  25. "Review of the methods for evaluating congestion in DEA and computing output losses due to congestion"
    H. Zare Haghighi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, G. R. Jahanshahloo
    International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 6, pp.1-17, 2014
  26. "A One-Model Approach for Computation of Congestion with Productions"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, M. R. Moazami Goudarzi, M. Yazdanpanah Mariki, M. Hajiani
    international journal of applied operational research, Vol. 3, pp.69-80, 2013
  27. "An assurance interval for non-Archimedean e in imprecise data envelopment analysis(IDEA)"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Kh. Rashnoo
    data envellopment analysis decision science, Vol. 2013, pp.1-5, 2013
  28. "Recognizing strong and weak congestion slack based in data envelopment analysis"
    , , , Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
  29. "Operational Research"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, F. H. Lotfi, X. Zhang, S. Li, S. H. Nasseri, K. Aryavash, R. Tavakoli-Moghadam
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 2013, pp.1-2, 2013
  30. "A Review of Ranking Models in Data Envelopment Analysis"
    F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, G. R. Jahanshahloo, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, M. Rostamy-Malkhlifeh, Z. Moghaddas, Mohsen Vaez-ghasemi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 2013, pp.1-21, 2013
  31. "A comment on computation of efficient targets in DEA models with productions trade-offs and weight restrictions"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi, ,
    Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, pp.975-980, 2012
  32. "Estimating most productive scale size with imprecise-chance constrained input output orientation model in data envelopment analysis Computers Industrial Engineering"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi, , ,
    COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 63, pp.254-261, 2012
  33. "Ranking all units in data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
  34. "A cross-efficiency model based on super-efficiency for ranking units through the TOPSIS approach and its extension to the interval case"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi, , M.R Moazami Goudarzi
    MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, Vol. 53, pp.1946-1955, 2011
  35. "A fuzzy chance constraint multi objective programming method in data envelopment analysis"
    F. Hossainzadeh, G. R. Jahanshahloo, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, F. Moradi
    African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5, pp.12873-12881, 2011
  36. "A modified common set of weights method to complete ranking DMUs"
    ali Payan, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, A. A. Noora, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, pp.1143-1153, 2011
  37. "Output reduction in fuzzy data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, N. Aryavash
    mathematics scientific journal, Vol. 6, pp.45-60, 2011
  38. "Computation of congestion in DEA models with productions trade-offs and weight restrictions"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi, ,
    Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, pp.663-676, 2011
  39. "Super-efficiency in stochastic data envelopment analysis An input relaxation approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
  40. "An output oriented super-efficiency measure in stochastic data envelopment analysis Considering Iranian electricity distribution companies"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 2, pp.663-671, 2010
  41. "An input oriented super efficiency measure in stochastic data envelopment analysis Evaluating chief executive officers of US public banks and thrifts"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, ,
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 3, pp.2092-2097, 2010
  42. "Congestion in stochastic data envelopment analysis An input relaxation approach"
    M. Asgharian, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Luka Nerali¶c
    international journal of statistics and management system, Vol. 5, pp.84-106, 2010
  43. "Chance constrained additive input relaxation model in stochastic data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    International journal of information and systems sciences, Vol. 6, pp.99-112, 2010
  44. "A linear programming approach to test efficiency in multi-objective linear fractional programming problems"
    , , , Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 12, pp.4179-4183, 2010
  45. "additive model approach for estimating returns to scale in imprecise data envelopment analysis"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 5, pp.1247-1257, 2010
  46. "An input relaxation measure of efficiency in fuzzy data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 21, pp.395-403, 2010
  47. "Estimating most productive scale size with stochastic data in stochastic data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    ECONOMIC MODELLING, Vol. 26, pp.968-973, 2009
  48. "An input relaxation measure of efficiency in stochastic data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, masoud asgharian
    APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 4, pp.2010-2023, 2009
  49. "Using DEA to Assess Research Productivity of Canadian Business Schools (1990-1999)"
    Shanling Li, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, G. R. Jahanshahloo
    mathematics scientific journal, Vol. 5, pp.83-112, 2009
  50. "input oriented super efficiency measure in stochastic data envelopment analysis Evaluating chief executive officers of US public banks and thrifts"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, ,
  51. "A one-model approach based on relaxed combinations of inputs for evaluating input congestion in DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    advances and applications in statistics, Vol. 10, pp.201-206, 2008
  53. "A super-efficiency model based on improved outputs in data envelopment analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 184, pp.695-703, 2007
  54. "A super-efficiency model for ranking efficient units in DEA"
    Shanling Li, Gholamreza Jahanshahloo, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 184, pp.638-648, 2007
  55. "Determining assurance interval for non-Archimedean element in the improving outputs"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 151, pp.501-506, 2004
  56. "Suitable combination of inputs for improving outputs in DEA with determining input congestion Considering textile industry of China"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 151, pp.263-273, 2004
  57. "Using input-output orientation model for determining most productive scale size in DEA"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 146, pp.849-855, 2003
  58. "The equivalence of some concepts in DEA"
    , Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, Vol. 7, pp.129-142, 2002
  59. "Measuring partial and total factor productivity of the country's economic sectors"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Zahra Cheraghali
    Vol. 7, pp.569-580, 2021
  60. "Investigate the More Production of Various Sectors of Iran Economy"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Zahra Cheraghali
    Vol. 18, pp.75-89, 2021
  61. "Investigating the Performance of Iran's Economy using Data Envelopment Analysis, Window Analysis and Inflation Rate"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Zahra Cheraghali
  62. ""
    M. Tavol Koteri, S. M. R. Fatemi, Rezvan Mousavi nadushan, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    Vol. 10, pp.537-548, 2019
  63. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, hosen dargahi, hajar moemai
    Vol. 11, pp.460-468, 2017
  64. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Mehdi Karami Khorramabadi, Ali Sameripour
    Vol. 12, pp.1-18, 2015
  65. ""
    , , Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    pp.107-123, 2014
  66. ""
    , , , , Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    pp.83-100, 2013
  67. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, R. Norouzzadeh
    pp.3-27, 2011

Conference Paper

  1. "Investment allocation between economic sectors using social accounting matrix multipliers and fair allocation methods"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Atieh Namazi
    Investment allocation between economic sectors using social accounting matrix multipliers and fair allocation methods, No 11 , 2018
  2. "Input relaxation with quasi fixed inputs in DEA"
    Mehdi Ahmadi, Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    The 8th National Conference of Data Envelopment Analysis, pp.1-3, 2016
  3. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  4. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  5. "The common revenue allocation using DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Kourosh Aryavash
    , 2013
  6. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2013
  7. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  8. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2013
  9. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, MAHTAB MIRKOOSHESH
    11th Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, pp.1-7, 2019
  10. "A Fair Resource Allocation Method withMultiple Criteria in Terms ofGame Theory Approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Atieh Namazi
    11th Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, pp.1-5, 2019
  11. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Zahra Cheraghali
    11th Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, pp.1-9, 2019
  12. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Mehdi Ahmadi
    , No 10 , pp.1-7, 2018
  13. ""
    Zahra Cheraghali, Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , pp.1-12, 2017
  14. "The optimistic-pessimistic cross-efficiency"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Kourosh Aryavash
    , 2015
  15. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Sohrabali Yousefi, Farzaneh Rahdar
    , 2015
  16. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2015
  17. "Measuring Malmquist productivity index for Iranian universities with fuzzy data A possibility approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Sirwan Vaisipour
    , 2015
  18. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2015
  19. "The Malmquist productivity index in stochastic version"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Sirwan Vaisipour
    , 2015
  20. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2015
  21. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2015
  22. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2015
  23. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2014
  24. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  25. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2013
  26. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  27. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  28. "Ranking units with fuzzy data in DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, K. Aryavash
    , 2013
  29. "Introducing a new global Malmquist productivity index"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, H. Zare Haghighi
    , 2013
  30. "Measuring Malmquist productivity index with fuzzy data A possibility approach"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, S. Vaisipour
    , 2013
  31. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2013
  32. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2012
  33. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2012
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, K. ARYAVASH
    , 2011
  35. "Computing output losses due to congestion in DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, H. Zare Haghighi
    , 2011
  36. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2011
  37. "An additive model approach for estimating returns to scale in fuzzy DEA"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2011
  38. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi
    , 2011
  39. "An additive model approach for estimating returns to scale in stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis"
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi, H. Kheirollahi
    , 2011
  40. ""
    Mohammad Khodabakhshi,
    , 2010