Applied and Industrial Mathematics
In 2016 the mathematics department of the faculty of mathematics in Shahid Beheshti University was divided into two departments of applied and industrial mathematics department and mathematics department with the aim of efficient interaction and communication with industry and society with the focus on expanding sub-branches of postgraduate and making research laboratories. It is noteworthy that in 2017, the first department of students in data science in Iran were admitted in this department. There are three active laboratories in applied and industrial mathematics department which are as follow:
Optimization and simulation lab
Scientific computation and modeling research lab
Graph analysis and machine learning lab
At the moment this department has master students in the following categories: numerical analysis, operation research, differential equations and dynamical systems, compounds, data science and teaching math. Now, the department has 10 full time members of board of education and cooperates with two retired members of education. There are 82 students in bachelor level, 70 students in master degree level and 27 PhD students in the department.