Rajabali Borzooei


Update: 2025-02-21

Rajabali Borzooei

Mathematical Sciences / Mathematics

Journal Paper

  1. "Relative co-annihilators in lattice equality algebras"
    Sogol Niazian, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Mathematica Bohemica, Vol. 149, pp.585-602, 2024
  2. "n-roots on MV-algebras"
    A. Dvurecenskij, O. Zahiri, M. Shenavaei, Rajabali Borzooei
    FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 484, 2024
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Mona Aaly Kologani, Young Bae Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Algebraic Systems, Vol. 12, pp.1-20, 2024
  4. "Reconstruction of old maps based on old photos using fuzzy graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Shadravan, M. Mohseni Takallo, T. Allahviranloo
    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 70, pp.4699-4714, 2024
  5. "Lukasiewicz fuzzy filters of Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Sun Shin Ahn, Young Bae Jun
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 46, pp.8231-8243, 2024
  6. "A note on Noetherian and Artinian hoops"
    Mehdi Sabet kish, Rajabali Borzooei, Samad Haj jabbari, Mona Aaly Kologani
    Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 44, pp.177-198, 2024
  7. "Module Structures on Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mehdi Sabet kish, M. Aaly Kologani
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. -, pp.1-19, 2024
  8. "Closure operators on hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly, G. Rezaei, M. Mohseni
    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, Vol. 32, pp.85-104, 2024
  9. "Coupon coloring of Kneser graph K(n,2)"
    Mehrnoosh Shadravan, Rajabali Borzooei
    Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 16, pp.1-15, 2024
  10. "On l-reconstructibility of degree list of graphs"
    Mehrnoosh Shadravan, Rajabali Borzooei
    AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 5, pp.39-44, 2024
  11. "Classification of L-algebras up to order 4"
    B. Zeighami, M. Mohseni Takallo, M. Aaly, S.S. Ahn, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Vol. 5, pp.63-86, 2024
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Mona Aaly Kologani, Young Bae Jun
    Journal of Algebraic Systems, Vol. 11, pp.65-82, 2024
  13. "True-False ideals of BCK/BCI-algebras"
    M. Mohseni, Rajabali Borzooei, G. R. Rezaei, Y. B. Jun
  14. "Special irregular neutrosophic graphs"
    S. Banitalebi, S.S. Ahn, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 46, pp.4147-4157, 2024
  15. "Results on soft graphs and soft multigraphs with application in controlling urban traffic flows"
    M. Baghernejad, Rajabali Borzooei
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 27, pp.11155-11175, 2023
  16. "Commutative True-False ideals in BCI/BCK-algebras"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly Kologani, Young Bae Jun
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 10, pp.155-172, 2023
    Rajabali Borzooei, X. L. Xin, Y. B. Jun
    Journal of Algebraic Systems, Vol. 10, pp.285-297, 2023
  18. "Single valued neutrosophic ideals of pseudo MV-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani, Faeze Karazma, Y. A. Jun
    journal of algebra and related topics, Vol. 11, pp.123-136, 2023
  19. "On co-annihilators in equality algebras"
    Sogol Niazian, Mona Aaly Kologani, Shahin Homayon Arya, Rajabali Borzooei
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 24, pp.933-951, 2023
  20. "Construction of Fuzzy Hyper BCI-Algebras Using Fuzzy Hypergroupoid"
    G. Muhiuddin, E. Mohammadzadeh, F. Mohammadzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 19, pp.557-577, 2023
  21. "A fuzzy model for NMT word alignment using quasi-perfect matching"
    M. Khalili, Rajabali Borzooei, D. Ebrahimibagha
  22. "Inverse) Neutrosophic special n-domination in neutrosophic graphs with application in decision making"
    Sadegh Banitalebi, Rajabali Borzooei
    journal of mahani mathematical research center, Vol. 13, pp.127-142, 2023
  23. "Regular and Boolean elements in hoops and constructing Boolean algebras using regular filters"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Y. B. Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, Vol. 31, pp.5-22, 2023
  24. "Radical of filters on hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani, G. R. Rezaei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 20, pp.127-143, 2023
  25. "Roughness of Filters in Equality Algebras"
    Gholam Reza Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly Kologani, Young Bae Jun
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 52, pp.1-18, 2023
  26. "Matrix theory over ringoids"
    Akbar Rezaei, H.S. Kim, Rajabali Borzooei, A. Borumand Saeidd
    Filomat, Vol. 37, pp.10275-10288, 2023
  27. "Product of ideals in hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani, S. S. Ahn
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 27, pp.11961-11971, 2023
  28. "Domination in Pythagorean fuzzy graphs"
    Sadegh Banitalebi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Granular Computing, Vol. 8, pp.959-966, 2023
  29. "The Prominentness of Fuzzy GE-Filters in GE-Algebras"
    Sun Shin Ahn, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    International Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol. 21, pp.1-12, 2023
  30. "Partial Residuated Implications Induced by Partial Triangular Norms and Partial Residuated Lattices"
    Xiaohong Zhang, Nan Sheng, Rajabali Borzooei
    Axioms, Vol. 12, pp.1-19, 2023
  31. "Construction of some algebras of logic by using fuzzy ideals in mv-modules"
    M. Bakhshi, S. S. Ahn, Y. B. Jun, X. L. Xin, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 44, pp.4509-4519, 2023
  32. "Fuzzy Weak Filters of Sheffer Stroke Hilbert Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Gholam Reza Rezaei, Young Bae Jun
    Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, Vol. 37, pp.185-203, 2023
  33. "On domatic number of graphs"
    Mehrnoosh Shadravan, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 17, pp.1-15, 2023
  34. "Implicative equality algebras and annihilators in equality algebras"
    M. Aaly Kologani, M. Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
  35. "Graphs Based on Equality Algebras"
    M. Aaly Kologani, G. Muhiuddin, Rajabali Borzooei, G. R. Rezaei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 19, pp.67-85, 2023
  36. "Domination numbers of inverse fuzzy graphs with application in decision-making problems"
    Rasha Almallah, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 18, pp.19-42, 2022
  37. "Right and left mapping in equality algebras"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B. Jun
    Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 46, pp.815-832, 2022
  38. "States on pseudo EQ-algebras"
    Jie Qiong Shi, Xiao Long Xin, Rajabali Borzooei
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 26, pp.13219-13231, 2022
  39. "New results on topological effect algebras"
    S Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 49, pp.62-74, 2022
  40. "Beta Products of Fuzzy Graphs with Application in Cryptography"
    Rajabali Borzooei, B. Shikh Hoseini, Y. B. Jun
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 18, pp.177-194, 2022
  41. "Prime preideals on bounded EQ-algebras"
    Narges Akhlaghinia, Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly Kologani
    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, Vol. 30, pp.5-30, 2022
  42. "Constructing a Heyting Semilattice that has Wajesberg Property by Using Fuzzy Implicative Deductive Systems of Hoops"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Xiao Long Xin, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Young Bae Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 16, pp.1-20, 2022
  43. "Characterization of Derived Nilpotent (Engel) Lie Ring of Fuzzy Hyperrings by Using Fuzzy Strongly Regular Relations"
    E. Mohammadzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei, F. Mohammadzadeh, S. S. Ahn
    Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Vol. 14, pp.407-424, 2022
  44. "Normal m-domination and inverse m-domination in Pythagorean fuzzy graphs with application in decision making"
    Sadegh Banitalebi, Sun Shin Ahn, Young Bae Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 43, pp.5053-5062, 2022
  45. "Positive implicative ideals of BCK-algebras based on neutrosophic sets and falling shadows"
    H. Bordbar, X. L. Xin, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 48, pp.9-30, 2022
  46. "Results on Topological Lattice Effect Algebras"
    M. R. Rakhshani, G. R. Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei
    Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 34, pp.67-84, 2022
  47. "Comments to N-cubic sets with an NC-decision making problem"
    Faeze Karazma, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 14, 2022
  48. "Quotient hoops induced by quasi-valuation maps"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Gholam reza Rezaei, Mona Aaly Kologani, Y.B. Jun
    Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 46, pp.743-757, 2022
  49. "n-Fold Filters of EQ-Algebras"
    Batoul Ganji Saffar, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 51, pp.455-486, 2022
  50. "Inverse fuzzy multigraphs and planarity with application in decision-making"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Rasha Almallah
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 26, pp.1531-1539, 2022
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim, Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn
    Honam Mathematical Journal, Vol. 44, pp.535-559, 2022
  52. "A short note on the category of soft sets"
    M. Mobini, S.S. Ahn, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 43, pp.5215-5219, 2022
  53. "Derivations of equality algebras"
    Gholam Reza Rezaei, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 26, pp.5057-5067, 2022
    Elham Babaei, Rajabali Borzooei
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 51, pp.363-382, 2022
  55. "MBJ-neutrosophic subalgebras and filters in $ BE $-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim, Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn
    AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 7, pp.6016-6033, 2022
  56. "Makgeolli structure on hoops"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Y.B. Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 21, pp.178-192, 2022
  57. "Positive implicative True-False ideals in BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Y. B. Jun, Mona Aaly Koogani
    journal of mahani mathematical research center, Vol. 11, pp.69-85, 2022
  58. "Ultra deductive systems and (nilpotent) Boolean elements in hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B. Jun, M. Aaly
    Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Vol. 3, pp.77-93, 2022
  59. "On Annihilators in Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly Kologani, X. L. Xin, Y. B. Jun
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 26, pp.6969-6980, 2022
  60. "Domination of Vague Graphs by Using of Strong Arcs"
    Sadegh Banitalebi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 16, pp.1-22, 2022
  61. "Cubic soft graphs with application in decision making"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Faeze Karazma, M. Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 18, pp.843-869, 2022
  62. "Domination in fuzzy incidence graphs based on valid edges"
    S. Afsharmanesh, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 68, pp.101-124, 2022
  63. "Construction of (n-Fold) EQ-Algebras by Using Fuzzy n-Fold Filters"
    Batol Ganji Saffar, G. Muhiuddin, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 17, pp.827-851, 2021
  64. "A General Model of Neutrosophic Ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras Based on Neutrosophic Points"
    Hashem Bordbar, Rajabali Borzooei, Florentin Smarandache, Young Bae Jun
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 50, pp.355-371, 2021
  65. "Minimal prime ideals in hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly
    Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Vol. 2, pp.109-120, 2021
  66. "Neutrosophic special dominating set in neutrosophic graphs"
    s. Banitalebi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 45, pp.26-39, 2021
  67. "A bibliometric analysis of Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2007-2020)"
    T. T. Lei, Y. Qin, Z. S. Xu, Rajabali Borzooei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 18, pp.1-17, 2021
  68. "Soft subalgebras and ideals of BCK/BCI-algebras based on N-structures"
    Hashem Bordbar, Rajabali Borzooei, Arsham Borumand Saeid, Young Bae Jun
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 25, pp.12789-12795, 2021
  69. "Constructing some logical algebras from EQ-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Narges Akhlaghinia, Xin Xiao Long , Mona Aaly Kologania
    Filomat, Vol. 35, pp.2747-2760, 2021
  70. "Matching numbers in fuzzy graphs"
    M. Khalili, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Deldar
    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 67, pp.1-22, 2021
  71. "Construction of some algebras of logics by using intuitionistic fuzzy filters on hoops"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim, Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn
    AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 6, pp.11950-11973, 2021
  72. "Implicative ideals of BCK-algebras based on MBJ-neutrosophic sets"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Seok-Zun Song, Young Bae Jun
    AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 6, pp.11029-11045, 2021
  73. "An a-Ideal of BCI-Algebras in Connection with Multipolar Fuzzy Sets"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 17, pp.553-570, 2021
  74. "Multipolar fuzzy a-ideals in BCI-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Gholam Reza Rezaei, G. Muhiuddin, Young Bae Jun
    International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol. 12, pp.2339-2348, 2021
  75. "Implicative falling neutrosophic ideals of BCK-algebras"
    Xin Xiao Long , Bordbar Hashem , Florentin Smarandache, Rajabali Borzooei, Jun Young Bae
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 40, pp.214-234, 2021
  76. "Fuzzy soft positive implicative hyper BCK-ideals of several types"
    S. Khademan, M. M. Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 22, pp.299-315, 2021
  77. "Fuzzy sub-hoops based on fuzzy points"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Mona Aaly KologaniA, Jun Y.B.
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 22, pp.91-106, 2021
  78. "New definition of MV-semimodules"
    Simin Saidi Goraghan, Rajabali Borzooei, Sun Shin Ahn
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 41, pp.3715-3726, 2021
  79. "N-Subalgebras of BCK/BCI- Algebras which are Induced from Hyperfuzzy Structures"
    Hashem Bordbar, Mohammad Rahim Bordbar, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 16, pp.179-195, 2021
  80. "Radical of filters on equality algebra"
    M. Aaly Kologani, S. Hoskova-Mayerova, Rajabali Borzooei, G. R. Rezaei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 41, pp.7151-7165, 2021
  81. "Filter theory on hyper equality algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani, M. A. Hashemi
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 25, pp.7257-7269, 2021
  82. "On Neutrosophic Quadruple Groups"
    F. Smarandache, A. Rezaei, A. A. A. Agboola, Y. B. Jun, Rajabali Borzooei, B. Davvaz, Arsham Borumand Saeid, M. Akram, M. Hamidi, S. Mirvakili
    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 14, 2021
  83. "Sup-Hesitant Fuzzy p-Ideals of BCI-Algebras"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Vol. 13, pp.460-469, 2021
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 8, pp.203-222, 2021
  85. "Falling Shadow Theory with Applications in Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Gholam Reza Rezaei, Mona Aaly Kologhani, Young Bae Jun
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 50, pp.337-353, 2021
    ELAHE MOHAMMADZADEH, Rajabali Borzooei
    Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 45, pp.667-684, 2021
    Aaly Kaloghani Mona, Gholamreza Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei, Jun Y.B.
    Journal of Algebraic Systems, Vol. 8, pp.251-268, 2021
  88. "Preideals in EQ-algebras"
    Narges Akhlaghinia, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Aaly Kologani
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 25, pp.12703-12715, 2021
  89. "Positive Implicative Neutrosophic Quadruple BCK-Algebras and Ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Sun Shin Ahn
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 17, pp.403-423, 2021
  90. "Extended implicative groupoids"
    E. Sameri, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 40, pp.1261-1275, 2021
  91. "Double-Framed Soft Set Theory Applied to Hyper BCK-Algebras"
    Hashem Bordbar, Somayeh Khademan, Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, Young Bae Jun
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 17, pp.215-228, 2021
  92. "Folding theory applied to pseudo-hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, S. Z. Alavi, M. Aaly Kologani, Sun Shin Ahn
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 39, pp.1381-1390, 2020
  93. "Cubic Graphs and Their Application to a Traffic Flow Problem"
    G. Muhiuddin, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Y. B. Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 13, pp.1265-1280, 2020
  94. "New Way for Finding Shortest Path Problem in a Network"
  95. "Lexicographic Product of Vague Graphs with Application"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, Young Bae Jun
    Matematicki Vesnik, Vol. 72, pp.43-57, 2020
  96. "Tense like equality algebras"
    Hashemi Mohammad Ali, Rajabali Borzooei
    Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Application, Vol. 13, pp.143-166, 2020
  97. "Soju Filters in Hoop Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Rezaei Gholam Reza , Aaly Kologani Mona , Jun Young Bae
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 50, pp.97-123, 2020
  98. "Inverse Fuzzy Graphs with Applications"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Rasha Almallah, Y. B. Jun, H. Ghaznavi
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 16, pp.397-418, 2020
  99. "The category of EQ-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Narges Akhlaghinia, Mona Aaly Kologani, Xiao Long Xin
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, pp.1-23, 2020
  100. "Double-framed soft filters in lattice implication algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, S. Khademan, Mehdi Sabet kish, A. Pourderakhshan
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 47, pp.294-307, 2020
  101. "Characterizations of hoops based on stabilizers"
    Jun Tao Wang, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 39, pp.4341-4348, 2020
  102. "n-fold Obstinate Filters in Pseudo-Hoop Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Namdar, M Aaly Kologani
    International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 12, pp.147-157, 2020
  103. "On Multipolar Intuitionistic Fuzzy B-Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim, Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn
    Mathematics, Vol. 8, 2020
  104. "Soft Set Theory Applied to Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Elham Babaei, Y. B. Jun, M. Aaly Kologani, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, Vol. 28, pp.61-79, 2020
  105. "State in implication basic algebra"
    S.M. Ghasemi Nejad, Rajabali Borzooei, Mahmood Bakhshi
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 17, pp.139-156, 2020
  106. "Polarity of generalized neutrosophic subalgebras in BCK/BCI-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Florentin Smarandache, Y.B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 32, pp.123-145, 2020
  107. "An overview of hyper logical algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly
    Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Vol. 1, pp.31-50, 2020
  108. "Commutative equality algebras and &-equality algebras"
    mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei, G. R. Rezaei, Y. B. Jun
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 47, pp.331-345, 2020
  109. "A Study on Bipolar Single-Valued Neutrosophic Graphs With Novel Application"
    M. Aslam Malik, Hossein Rashmanlou, Muhammad Shoaib, Rajabali Borzooei, Morteza Taheri, Said Broumi
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 32, pp.221-268, 2020
  110. "Nilpotent fuzzy lie ideals"
    E. Mohammadzadeh, G. Muhiuddin, J. Zhan, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 39, pp.4071-4079, 2020
  111. "m-polar fuzzy q-ideals in BCI-algebras"
    G. Muhiuddin, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B. Jun
    JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY SCIENCE, Vol. 32, pp.2803-2809, 2020
  112. "New Results on Ideals in MV-algebras"
    Simin Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 12, pp.205-213, 2020
    G.R. Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 7, pp.63-77, 2020
  114. "New Kind of MV-Modules"
    S. Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei, S.S. Ahn, Y.B. Jun
    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 13, pp.794-801, 2020
  115. "Neutrosophic LI-ideals in lattice implication algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mehdi Sabet kish, Y. B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, pp.282-296, 2020
  116. "Results on hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly
    Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Vol. 1, pp.61-77, 2020
  117. "Results on hyper equality algebras"
    M. A. Hashemi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 14, pp.169-193, 2020
  118. "Module Structure on Effect Algebras"
    Simin Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 49, pp.269-290, 2020
  119. "Neutrosophic quadruple a-ideals"
    Gholam Reza Rezaei, Y.B. Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, pp.266-281, 2020
  120. "Maximal Product of Graphs under Vague Environment"
    Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, Muhammad Akram, Mehrnaz Sheikh Hosseini, Hossein Rashmanlou, Rajabali Borzooei
    Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 25, 2020
  121. "Neutrosophic LI-ideals in lattice implication algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mehdi Sabet kish, Y.B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, pp.282-296, 2020
  122. "Ideals of an EMV-semiring"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Marjan Shenavaie, A. Di Nola, O. Zahiri
  123. "results on t-fuzzy graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 16, pp.143-161, 2020
  124. "BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra in BCI/BCK-algebras"
    hashem bordbar, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, pp.31-43, 2020
  125. "fuzzification of zero forcing process"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, masomeh gol mohamadian, zeinab montazeri, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 16, pp.195-210, 2020
  126. "On ideal theory of hoops"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Mathematica Bohemica, Vol. 145, pp.141-162, 2019
  127. "Fuzzy magic labeling of simple graphs"
    M. Fathalian, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Hamidi
    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 60, pp.369-385, 2019
  128. "Separation axioms on topological efect algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Rkhshani M., G.R. Rezaei
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 46, pp.254-268, 2019
  129. "Hesitancy fuzzy magic labeling of simple graphs"
    M. Fathalian, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Hamidi
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 37, pp.3941-3955, 2019
  130. "Fuzzy Positive Implicative Filters of Hoops Based on Fuzzy Points"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mona Aaly Kologani, Mehdi Sabet kish, Young Bae Jun
    Mathematics, Vol. 7, 2019
  131. "Constructing (pre)norms in BL-algebras and its action on topological BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim, Nader Kouhestani
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 37, pp.6959-6969, 2019
  132. "On topological basic algebras"
    mehrnavaz Ghasemi Nejad, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 37, pp.6629-6644, 2019
  133. "On EMV-Semirings"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Marjan Shenavaie, A. Di Nola, O. Zahiri
    Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 69, pp.739-752, 2019
  134. "Constructing Some Logical Algebras with Hoops"
    M. Aaly Kologani, Seok-Zun Song, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Mathematics, Vol. 7, 2019
  135. "Engel, Nilpotent and Solvable BCI-algebras"
    Elahe Mohammadzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, Vol. 27, pp.169-192, 2019
  136. "Neutrosophic Hyper BCK-Ideals"
    S. Khademan, M.M. Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 27, pp.201-217, 2019
  137. "New Concepts of Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs"
    A. Lakdashti, H. Rashmanlo, Rajabali Borzooei, S. Samanta, M. Pal
  138. "Vague multigraphs"
    M Baghernejad, Rajabali Borzooei
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 23, pp.12607-12619, 2019
  139. "BMBJ-neutrosophic ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, hashem bordbar, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 27, pp.1-16, 2019
    Rajabali Borzooei, Xiao Long Xin, Eun Hwan Roh, Young Bae Jun
    Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 31, pp.152-163, 2019
  141. "Int-Soft Filters in Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mehdi Sabet kish, E. H. Roh, M. Aaly Kologani
    International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 19, pp.213-222, 2019
  142. "On co-annihilators in hoops"
    M. Aaly Kologani, Y.B. Jun, X.L. Xin, E.H. Roh, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 37, pp.5471-5485, 2019
  143. "On (Semi)Topological Hoops"
    Aaly Kologani Mona, Rajabali Borzooei, Nader Kouhestani
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 27, pp.161-174, 2019
  144. "Graphs Based on Hoop Algebras"
    Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajabali Borzooei, Hee Sik Kim
    Mathematics, Vol. 7, 2019
  145. "Multipolar Fuzzy p-Ideals of BCI-Algebras"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Sun Shin Ahn, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Mathematics, Vol. 7, 2019
  146. "Quotient structures in lattice effect algebras"
    AmirHossein Sharafi, Rajabali Borzooei
    KYBERNETIKA, Vol. 55, pp.879-895, 2019
    Akbar Paad, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Algebraic System, Vol. 6, pp.101-116, 2019
  148. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Hyper BCK Algebras"
    Xiaolong Xin, Rajabali Borzooei, Mahmood Bakhshi, Young Jun
    Symmetry-Basel, Vol. 11, 2019
  149. "Positive Implicative Soju Ideals in BCK-Algebras"
    Xiao Long Xin, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 48, pp.1-18, 2019
  150. "Fuzzy soft positive implicative hyper BCK-ideals in hyper BCK-algebras"
    Somayeh Khademan, Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, Young Bae Jun, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 36, pp.2605-2613, 2019
  151. "Decomposition of A-ideals in MV-modules"
    Simin Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 45, pp.66-77, 2018
  152. "Positive implicative BMBJ-neutrosophic ideals in BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, F. Samarandache, Young Bea Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 23, pp.126-141, 2018
  153. "MBJ-neutrosophic structures and its applications in BCK/BCI-algebras"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 23, pp.72-84, 2018
  154. "On Injective MV-Modules"
    S. Saidi Goraghani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 47, pp.283-298, 2018
  155. "Uni-Soft Commutative Ideals and Closed Uni-Soft Ideals in BCI-Algebras"
    Hashem Bordbar, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 14, pp.235-247, 2018
  156. "Convex L-lattice subgroups in L-ordered groups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Seiede Fateme Hoseini, Omid Zahiri
    Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Application, Vol. 9, pp.139-161, 2018
  157. "PC-lattices: A Class of Bounded BCK-algebras"
    Sadegh Khosravi Shoar, Rajabali Borzooei, R. Moradian, Atefe Radfar
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 47, pp.33-44, 2018
  158. "Nilpotent Fuzzy Subgroups"
    Elaheh Mohammadzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    Mathematics, Vol. 6, pp.1-12, 2018
  159. "Q-Filters of Quantum B-Algebras and Basic Implication Algebras"
    Xiaohong Zhang, Rajabali Borzooei, Young Jun
    Symmetry-Basel, Vol. 10, pp.1-14, 2018
  160. "Convex L-Lattice Subgroups in L-orderd Groups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Seiede Fateme Hoseini, Zahiri Omid
    Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Application, Vol. 9, pp.139-161, 2018
  161. "Quasi-Uniformity on BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Nader Kouhestani
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 35, pp.5-27, 2018
  162. "Vulnerability and Government Response to Human Trafficking: Vague Fuzzy Incidence Graphs"
    John N. Mordeson, Sunil Mathew, Rajabali Borzooei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 14, pp.203-219, 2018
  163. "P-closure ideals in BCI-algebras"
    Hosain Moussaei, Habib Harizavi, Rajabali Borzooei
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 22, pp.7901-7908, 2018
  164. "Fuzzy congruence relation generated by a fuzzy relation in vector spaces"
    S. Khosravi Shoar, Rajabali Borzooei, ramin moradian
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 35, pp.5635-5645, 2018
  165. "Commutative Generalized Neutrosophic Ideals in BCK-Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Xiaohong Zhang, Florentin Smarandache, Young Jun
    Symmetry-Basel, Vol. 10, pp.350-365, 2018
  166. "Nodal filters in hoop algebras"
    A. Namdar, Rajabali Borzooei
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 22, pp.7119-7128, 2018
  167. "On topological effect-algebras"
    Reza Rakhshani, Rajabali Borzooei, Gholam Reza Rezaei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, pp.312-325, 2018
  168. "Generalized EMV-Effect Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Dvurecenskij, AmirHossein Sharafi
  169. "Special hoop algebras"
    Amaneh Namdar, Rajabali Borzooei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, pp.334-349, 2018
  170. "Involutive equality algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Zarean, O. Zahiri
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 22, pp.7505-7517, 2018
  171. "Results on Engel Fuzzy Subgroups"
    Mohamadzadeh E, Rajabali Borzooei, Jun Y.B.
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 4, pp.1-14, 2018
  172. "Computation of Shortest Path in a Vague Network by Euclidean Distance"
  173. "Product of interval-valued fuzzy graphs and degree"
    Hossein Rashmanlou, Madhumangal Pal, Rajabali Borzooei, F. Mofidnakhaei, Biswajit Sarkar
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 35, pp.6443-6451, 2018
  174. "A novel decision-making approach based on hypergraphs in intuitionistic fuzzy environment"
    Muhammad Akram, Musavarah Sarwar, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 35, pp.1905-1922, 2018
  175. "Material implications in lattice effect algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Dvurec?enskij, AmirHossein Sharafi
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 433-434, pp.233-240, 2018
  176. "Results on Vague Graphs with Applications in Human Trafficking"
    E. Darabian, Rajabali Borzooei
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 14, pp.37-52, 2018
  177. "Topological Residuated Lattices"
    Kouhestani N, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 9, pp.183-194, 2017
  178. "State Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Aaly Kologani M, ZAhiri O
    Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 67, pp.1-16, 2017
  179. "Representation of Polygroups"
    Ameri R., Rajabali Borzooei, Ghadimi K.
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 37, pp.595-610, 2017
    S. SAIDI GORAGHANI, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Algebraic Systems, Vol. 5, pp.1-13, 2017
  181. "A study on soft rough semigroups and corresponding decision making applications"
    Qiumei Wang, Jianming Zhan, Rajabali Borzooei
    Open Mathematics, Vol. 15, pp.1400-1413, 2017
  182. "Covering and paired domination in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs"
    Sankar Sahoo, Madhumangal Pal, Hossein Rashmanlou, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 33, pp.4007-4015, 2017
  183. "New conceots of regular and (Highly) Irregular Vague Graphs with Applications"
    Darabian E., Rajabali Borzooei, Raslunanlou H., Azadi M.
    Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Vol. 9, pp.161-179, 2017
  184. "New Concepts of Fuzzy Labeling Graphs"
    Hossein Rashmanlou, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 3, pp.173-184, 2017
  185. "On Engel Fuzzy Subpolygroups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, E. Mohammadzadeh, Violeta Fotea
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 13, pp.195-206, 2017
  186. "On the category of rough sets"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. A. Estaji, Mehri Mobini
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 21, pp.2201-2214, 2017
  187. "Tensor Product of Hypervector Spaces"
    R. Ameri, Ghadimi K., Rajabali Borzooei
    European journal of pure and applied mathematics, Vol. 10, pp.702-716, 2017
  188. "New concepts of vague graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou
    International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol. 8, pp.1081-1092, 2017
  189. "Results on Prime Ideals in PMV-algebras and MV-modules"
    Saidi Goraghani S., Rajabali Borzooei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 37, pp.183-196, 2017
  190. "Some types of filters in equality algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Zebardast F., Aaly Kologani M
    Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Application, Vol. 7, pp.33-55, 2017
  191. "On state equality algebras"
    Zarean Masoomeh , Rajabali Borzooei, Zahiri Omid
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 25, pp.307-326, 2017
  192. "Filter Theory of Pseudo Hoop-algebras"
    Alavi S. Z., Rajabali Borzooei, Aaly Kologani M
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 37, pp.619-632, 2017
  193. "Some results in hoop algebras"
    A. Namdar, Rajabali Borzooei, A. Borumand Saeid, M. Aaly Kologani
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 32, pp.1805-1813, 2017
  194. "Fuzzy filters in pseudo hoops"
    S.Z. Alavi, Rajabali Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 32, pp.1997-2007, 2017
  195. "Results on equality algebras"
    Zebardast F, Rajabali Borzooei, Aaly Kologani M
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 381, pp.270-282, 2017
  196. "Results on Hyper Hoop-Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H. R. Varasteh, K. Borna, A. Radfar
    New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 13, pp.61-74, 2017
  197. "On topological semi-hoops"
    M Zarean, Rajabali Borzooei, O Zahiri
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 25, pp.165-179, 2017
  198. "Quotient hyper hoop-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H.R Varasteh, K. Korna
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 36, pp.87-100, 2016
  199. "Soft Topology and Soft Proximity as Fuzzy Predicates by Formulae of Lukasiewicz Logic"
    O.R Sayed, Rajabali Borzooei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, pp.153-168, 2016
  200. "Regularity of vague graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou, Sovan Samanta, Madhumangal Pal
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3681-3689, 2016
  201. "Fuzzy regular relation on hyper hoop-algebras"
    H.R. Varasteh, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.1275-1282, 2016
  202. "Semi global domination sets in vague graphs with application"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3645-3652, 2016
  203. "Free MV-Modules"
    Rajabali Borzooei, S. Saidi Goraghani
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 31, pp.151-161, 2016
  204. "Vague graphs and strengths"
    Sovan Samanta, Madhumangal Pal, Hossein Rashmanlou, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3675-3680, 2016
  205. "On Hyper Hoop-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hamidreza Varasteh, Keivan Borna
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 30, pp.67-81, 2016
  206. "A study on vague graphs"
    Rashmanlou H, Samanta Sovan, Pal Madhumangal , Rajabali Borzooei
    SpringerPlus, Vol. 5, pp.1-12, 2016
  207. "New concepts of vague competition graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou, Sovan Samanta, Madhumangal Pal
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 31, pp.69-75, 2016
    M. Hamidi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Honam Mathematical Journal, Vol. 38, pp.643-659, 2016
  209. "Vague graphs with application"
    Hossein Rashmanlou, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3291-3299, 2016
  210. "A Study on Fuzzy Labeling Graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, , S Samanta, M Pal
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3349-3355, 2016
  211. "Primary decomposition of ideals (submodule) in BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Saidi Goraghani S.
  212. "Isomorphic properties of neighborly irregular vague graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, , Y. B Jun, S Mathew
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3261-3270, 2016
  213. "Degree and total degree of edges in Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs With Application"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.3271-3280, 2016
  214. "Filter theory on good hyper EQ-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Ganji Saffar B.
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 2, pp.243-258, 2016
  215. "Totally L-ordered Groups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Seiede Fateme Hoseini,
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 30, pp.1489-1498, 2016
  216. "Topology on BL-algebras"
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 289, pp.137-150, 2016
  217. "Product of Bipolar fuzzy graphs and their degree"
    , S Samanta, M Pal, Rajabali Borzooei
  218. "On Finite B-algebras"
    Ameri R, Borumand Saied A, Nematolah Zadeh S.A, Rajabali Borzooei
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 26, pp.825-847, 2015
  219. "A Study on Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs"
    , Sovan Samanta, Madhumangal Pal, Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 28, pp.571-580, 2015
  220. "L-ordered and L-lattice ordered groups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Dvurec?enskij,
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 314, pp.118-134, 2015
  221. "Generalization of integral filters in BL-algebras and n-fold integral BL-algebras"
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 26, pp.1299-1311, 2015
  222. "Free Extended BCK-module"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 10, pp.29-43, 2015
  223. "Fundamental hoop-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H Varasteh, K Borna
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 29, pp.25-40, 2015
  224. "Ultra and involution ideals in BCK- algebras"
    saedi siemin, Rajabali Borzooei
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 2, pp.23-36, 2015
  225. "On finite B-algebra"
    , , , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 26, pp.825-847, 2015
  226. "Engel Fuzzy Subgroups"
    , Rajabali Borzooei,
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 34, pp.251-262, 2015
  227. "Ring Sum In Product Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    journal of advanced researches in pure mathematics, Vol. 7, pp.16-31, 2015
  228. "A note on vague graph"
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 2, pp.9-19, 2015
  229. "The Category of Soft Sets"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mehri Mobini,
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 28, pp.157-167, 2015
  230. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs With Categorical Properties"
    H. Rashmanlou, S Samanta, M Pal, Rajabali Borzooei
    Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Vol. 7, pp.317-334, 2015
  231. "Semitopological BL-algebras and MV-algebras"
    Omid Zoheyri, Rajabali Borzooei
    Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XLVII, pp.522-538, 2014
  232. "Fundamental relation on hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Annals of Oradea University - Mathematics Fascicola, Vol. XXI, pp.123-136, 2014
  233. "Involutory BE-Algebras"
    A Rezae, R ameri, A. boromand saeed, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Mathematics and Applications, Vol. 37, 2014
  234. "Filter theory on hyper residuated lattices"
    Rajabali Borzooei, , Omid Zoheyri
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 22, pp.33-50, 2014
  235. "Stabilizer Topology of Hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 1, pp.35-48, 2014
  236. "State On BE-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Arsham rBorumand Saeid, ,
    Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9, pp.27-42, 2014
  237. "Neutrosophic deductive filters on BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hadi Farahani, Morteza Moniri
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 26, pp.2993-3004, 2014
  238. "Anti Fuzzy fiters of CI-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, , ,
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 25, pp.1197-1210, 2014
  239. "Stabilizer topology of hoop"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 1, pp.35-48, 2014
  240. "Fuzzy n-fold Fantastic Filters in BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Akbar Paad
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 25, pp.1001-1012, 2014
  241. "Prime submodules in extended BCK-module"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 33, pp.443-448, 2014
  242. "Hyper pseudo BCK-algebras with conditions (S) and (P)"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, pp.87-108, 2014
  243. "On Hyper Pseudo BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 9, pp.13-29, 2014
  244. "F-Multi automata on join spaces induced by diiffrential operators"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 5, pp.1386-1391, 2014
  245. "Congruence Relations on Pseudo BE-algebras"
    , , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Annals of the University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 41, pp.166-176, 2014
  246. "Rough Set Theory Applied To Hyper BCK-Algebra"
    Reza Ameri, R Moradian, Rajabali Borzooei
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 26, pp.3-20, 2014
  247. "On (semi)topological residuated lattices"
    Nader Kohestani, Rajabali Borzooei
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 41, pp.15-29, 2014
  248. "On Hyper Pseudo MV-Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 9, pp.13-29, 2014
  249. "On Finite BM-algebras"
    Abas Nematoalah Zadeh, Arsham Borumand Saied, Reza Ameri, Rajabali Borzooei, Akefeh Radfar
    Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9, pp.43-50, 2014
  250. "Fundamental Residuated Lattices"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Sogol Niazian
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 22, pp.179-192, 2014
  251. "Anti Fuzzy filters of CI-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Borumand Saeid Arsham, Rezaei A, Ameri R
    Afrika Matematika, Vol. 25, pp.1197-1210, 2014
  252. "Some Remarks on Hyper MV-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, W.A. Dudek, ,
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 27, pp.2997-3005, 2014
  253. "Filter Theory of Hoop-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    journal of advanced researches in pure mathematics, Vol. 6, pp.72-86, 2014
  254. "State BCK-algebras and state-morphism BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Antonio Dvurecenskij, Omid Zoheyri
    FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 244, pp.86-105, 2014
  255. "Multivalued linear transformations of hyperspaces"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Reza Ameri, K Ghadimi
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 27, pp.37-47, 2014
  256. "Characterization of Hyper BCI-algebra of Order 3"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 30, pp.141-156, 2013
  257. "Integral flters and integral BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Akbar Paad
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 30, pp.303-316, 2013
  258. "Fundamental Q-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    journal of advanced researches in pure mathematics, Vol. 5, pp.65-79, 2013
  259. "Classification of Hyper MV-algebras of Order 3"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 25, pp.15-28, 2013
  260. "On Pseudo BE-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, , , ,
    Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 33, pp.95-108, 2013
  261. "Fuzzy n-fold integral filters in BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Akbar Paad
    Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 33, pp.57-71, 2013
  262. "On hyper EQ-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 31, pp.77-96, 2013
  263. "Weak Hyper Residuated Lattices"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Sogol Niazian
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 21, pp.29-42, 2013
  264. "Relation between Hilbert Algebras and BE Algebras"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Applications and applied mathematics, Vol. 8, pp.573-584, 2013
  265. "Ordered Polygroups"
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 24, pp.31-40, 2013
  266. "Fundamental BCC-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 40, pp.268-281, 2013
  267. "Radical and it s Applications in BCH-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Omid Zoheyri
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 8, pp.15-29, 2013
  268. "Soft Ideals of BCC-algebras"
    , Rajabali Borzooei,
    Information Sciences Letters, Vol. 2, pp.63-68, 2013
  269. "Some Types of Filters in BE-algebras"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Mathematics in Computer Science, Vol. 7, pp.341-352, 2013
  270. "Quotient hyper pseudo BCK-algebras"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 33, pp.147-165, 2013
  271. "Finite Lattice Implication Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Seiede Fateme Hoseini
    Jordanian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS), Vol. 6, pp.265-283, 2013
  272. "Classifications of Hyper Pseudo BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Ratio Mathematica, Vol. 22, pp.13-35, 2012
  273. "Quotient Hyper Residuated Lattices"
    Omid Zoheyri, Rajabali Borzooei, M Bakhshi
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 20, pp.125-138, 2012
  274. "On Generalized Hilbert Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 29, pp.71-86, 2012
  275. "Prime ideals in BCI and BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Omid Zoheyri
    Annals of the University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 39, pp.266-276, 2012
  276. "Logical characterization of fillters on BL-algebras"
    Morteza Moniri, Hadi Farahani, Rajabali Borzooei
  277. "Metrizability on (Semi)Topological BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 16, pp.1681-1690, 2012
  278. "Lattices Structures on Ideals of a BCK algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
  279. "some typyes of filters in MTL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 187, pp.92-102, 2012
  280. "Graph of BCI-algebras"
    Omid Zoheyri, Rajabali Borzooei
  281. "Some New Types of Stabilizers in BL-algebras and Their applications"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Akbar Paad
    INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 5, pp.1910-1915, 2012
  282. "Separation Axioms in (Semi)Topological Quotient BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
  283. "Extention BCK-module"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    WORLD APPLIED SCIENCES JOURNAL, Vol. 12, pp.1834-1850, 2011
  284. "Numerical taxonomy Analysis with Trapezoidal Fuzzy Data"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    the journal of mathematics and computer science, Vol. 2, pp.100-110, 2011
  285. "On Hyper p-Semisimple I-algebra"
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    International Journal of algebra, Vol. 5, pp.1117-1133, 2011
  286. "On (Semi) Topological BL-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, ,
    Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatic, Vol. 6, pp.59-77, 2011
  287. "BCK-algebras of Fractions"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 2010, pp.471-482, 2010
    , , Rajabali Borzooei
    WORLD APPLIED SCIENCES JOURNAL, Vol. 7, pp.1446-1455, 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 4, pp.37-47, 2009
  290. "Lattice Structure on Generated Weak Hyper BCK-ideals of a Hyper BCK-algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 26, pp.227-238, 2009
  291. "Fuzzy Regular Congruence Relations on Hyper K-algebras"
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    South East Asian Journal of Mathematics Mathematical sciences, Vol. 33, pp.209-220, 2009
    , Rajabali Borzooei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 6, pp.73-87, 2009
  293. "Fuzzy Regular Congruence Relations on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 16, pp.175-186, 2008
  294. "Lattice Structure on some fuzzy Algebraic systems"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi, M. Mashinchi
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 12, pp.739-749, 2008
  295. "Lattice Structure on Weak Hyper BCK-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mhamood Bakhshi
  296. "Basic BCI-algebra and Abelian groups Are Equivalent"
    J. shohani, Rajabali Borzooei, m afshar jahanshahi
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 66, pp.243-245, 2007
  297. "Fuzzy (Strong) Congruence Relations on Hypergroupoids and Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Reza Ameri, Mahmood Bakhshi, Abbas Nematollah Zadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 15, pp.219-232, 2007
  298. "Isomorphism Theorems on Hyper K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Habib Harizavi
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, pp.83-94, 2007
  299. "Lattice Structures on Fuzzy Congruence Relations of a Hypergroupoid"
    Mahmood Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 177, pp.3305-3313, 2007
  300. "Category of MV-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Saeid Kaviani, Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19, pp.61-74, 2006
  301. "Implication Algebras are Equivalent to the Dual Implicative BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, sadegh Khosravi Shoar
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 63, pp.429-431, 2006
  302. "Implicative Hyper K-algebras"
    Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi, Arsham Borumand Saeid, Rajabali Borzooei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19, pp.155-168, 2006
  303. "Category of Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Habib Harizavi, Johan MacDonald, Rajabali Borzooei
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 64, pp.131-139, 2006
  304. "Representation Theorem for Some Fuzzy Algebraic Hyperstructures"
    Mahmood Bakhshi, Mashaallah Mashinchi, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics (IRFM), Vol. 1, pp.73-87, 2006
  305. "On Hyper BCC-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Wislov Dudek, Nader Koohestani
  306. "Some Results on Hyper K-algebras of Order 3"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Honam Mathematical Journal, Vol. 27, pp.203-224, 2005
  307. "On Decomposable Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Habib Harizavi
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 13, pp.193-202, 2005
  308. "Regular Congruence Relations on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Habib Harizavi
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 61, pp.83-97, 2005
  309. "Varlet and Additive Hyper K-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi
    Korean Annals of mathematics, Vol. 22, pp.149-161, 2005
  310. "Fuzzy Congruence Relations on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mahmood Bakhshi, Yung Bea Jun
    The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 13, pp.627-636, 2005
  311. "Some Results on Hyper K-algebra of order 3"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Honam Mathematical Journal, Vol. 27, pp.203-224, 2005
  312. "Implicative Hyper K-ideals"
    Arsham Borumand Saeid, Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei
    CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 55, pp.439-453, 2005
  313. "(Weak) Implicative Hyper BCK -ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 12, pp.13-28, 2004
  314. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hyper BCK-Ideals of Hyper BCK- algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 1, pp.61-73, 2004
  315. "Some results on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 11, pp.9-24, 2004
  316. "Fuzzy(positive Weak) Implicative Hyper BCK-ideal"
    M Bakhshi, M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 1, pp.63-79, 2004
  317. "Hyper I-algebras and polygroups"
    M.M Zahedi, L. Torkzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 11, pp.103-113, 2004
  318. "On Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-ideal"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 59, pp.505-516, 2004
  319. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hyper BCK-Ideal of Hyper BCK-algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 1, pp.61-73, 2004
  320. "On BCC-subalgebras which are BCK- algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, J. Shohani
    South East Asian Journal of Mathematics Mathematical sciences, Vol. 20, pp.207-212, 2004
  321. "(Weak) Implicative Hyper K-ideals"
    , Rajabali Borzooei,
    Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol. 40, pp.123-137, 2003
  322. "Resultson i.p.s. hypergroup"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Hasankhani, h rezaei
  323. "(Anti-) Fuzzy Positive Impilicative Hyper K-ideal"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 14, pp.219-230, 2003
  324. "Fuzzy positive implicative Hyper BCK-ideals of type5 6 7 8"
    M.M Zahedi, M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Journal of Basic Science, Vol. 2, pp.61-69, 2003
  325. "Some results on fuzzy commutative Hyper BCK-ideal"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M Bakhshi
    Journal of Basic Science, Vol. 2, pp.17-24, 2003
  326. "Some Kinde of Positive Implicative Hyper K-ideal"
    Rajabali Borzooei, P. Corsini, M.M Zahedi
  327. "Some classifications of fuzzy positive implicative HyperK-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    PU.M.A Pure Math.Appl, Vol. 14, pp.1-13, 2003
  328. "Classification of Hyper BCK-algebra of Order3"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H. Rezaei, M.M Zahedi
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, pp.175-184, 2002
  329. "Some Results on Canonical Cyclic Hypergrond and Join Spaces"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Hasankhani, H. Rezaaei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11, pp.77-87, 2002
  330. "Fuzzy Structures on Hyper K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
  331. "Hyper Kh algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Hasankhani
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 10, pp.207-212, 2001
  332. "Some Classifications of Hyper K-algebras of Order 3"
    , Rajabali Borzooei,
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 53, pp.133-142, 2001
  333. "Positive Implicative HyperK-ideal"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 53, pp.525-533, 2001
  334. "characterization of generalized groups of orders 2 and 3"
    Rajabali Borzooei, G Rezaei, M.R Molaei, M.M Zahedi
    PU.M.A Pure Math.Appl, Vol. 11, pp.543-551, 2001
  335. "On Hyper BCK algebra"
    Y.B JUN, X.L Xin, M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, pp.127-136, 2000
  336. "On Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Jun Y.B., Zahedi MM, Xin X.L. , Rajabali Borzooei
    italian journal of Pure.appl. Math, Vol. 8, pp.127-136, 2000
  337. "On Hyper K -algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, a hassankhani, M.M Zahedi, young bae jun
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 52, pp.113-121, 2000
  338. "Some Results On Hyper K-algebras"
    M.M Zahedi, a hassankhani, young bae yun, Rajabali Borzooei
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 3, pp.53-59, 2000
  339. "On a HperK-algebra that Satisfies the Hyper Condition"
    Y.B Jun, X.L Xin, M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 52, pp.95-101, 2000
  340. "Fuzzy Algebraic Extesion Generated by a Fuzzy Subset And Maximal Fuzzy Algebraic Extension"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M zahedi
    Giornale Storico della Lunigiana e del Territorio Lucense, Vol. 3, pp.649-657, 1993
  341. ""
    M. Khalili, Rajabali Borzooei, داوود ابراهيمي بقا
    Vol. 6, pp.269-285, 2023
  342. "Soft adjacency matrix and planar soft graphs and their applications,"
    M. Baghernejad, Rajabali Borzooei
    Vol. 5, pp.155-179, 2022

Conference Paper

  1. "True-False Sets"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Jun Y.B
    2020 8th IEEE Joint Congress on Fuzzy and intelligent Systems, pp.222-226, 2020
  2. "Matching in n-th Type Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs"
    Majid Khalili, Rajabali Borzooei
    2020 8th IEEE Joint Congress on Fuzzy and intelligent Systems, pp.80-85, 2020
  3. "Fuzzy graphs with applications"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Uncertainty Mathematics, 2019
  4. "Some types of filters (Ideals) on hoop"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Uncertainty Mathematics, 2019
  5. "Study of filters (ideals) on hoops"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Uncertainty Mathematics, 2019
    Rajabali Borzooei, Rasha Almallah
  7. "States on implication basic algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    The third international conference on Intelligent Decision Science, 2018
  8. "Results on vague multigraphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    The third international conference on Intelligent Decision Science, 2018
  9. "Local and Locally Finite Equality Algebras."
    Rajabali Borzooei, Massomeh Zarean
    Local and Locally Finite Equality Algebras, 2018
  10. "New Concept of Vague Soft Graphs*"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    New Concept of Vague Soft Graphs*, 2018
  11. "Vague graphs with applications"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou
    9th National Conference on Mathematics of Payame Noor University, 2017
  12. "Some types of fuzzy filters in implication basic algebras"
    s.m. ghasemi nejad, Rajabali Borzooei
    9th National Conference on Mathematics of Payame Noor University, 2017
    S. M. GHASEMI NEJAD, Rajabali Borzooei
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. ZAREAN, O. ZAHIRI
  15. "Relation between Hyper EQ-algebras and Some Other Hyper Structures"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Batol Ganji Saffar
    13 th algebraic hyperstructures and its applications conference, 2017
  16. "Relation Between Hyper K-algebras and Superlattice(Hypersemilattice)"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    13 th algebraic hyperstructures and its applications conference, 2017
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini, Rajabali Borzooei
    The 8th Specialized Seminars on Hyperalgebraic Structures and Fuzzy Mathematics, 2017
    Hadi Farahani, AmirHossein Sharafi, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, 2016
  19. "Strong Domination number of Vague Graphs With Applications"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Darabian E. , Rashmanlou H.
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, pp.68-72, 2016
  20. "Prime QAvoidance of A-ideala in MV-modules"
    Saidi Goraghani S., Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, pp.92-95, 2016
    Rajabali Borzooei, elham DARABIAN, H. RASHMANLOU
    Rajabali Borzooei, S. SAIDI GORAGHAN
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, 2016
  23. "Fuzzy Prime Ideals in PMV-algebras"
    Saidi Gorghani S., Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, pp.96-99, 2016
    Rajabali Borzooei, S. SAIDI GORAGHANI
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, 2016
  25. "hyper pseudo BCK-ideals hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    , 2011
    Rajabali Borzooei
    , 2009
  27. "fraction structure on bounded implicative BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    International conference on mathematics statistics and scientific computing, 2009
  28. "Fuzzy congruence relations on some hyperstures"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    the 10th International Conference Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications(AHA 2008), 2008
  29. "Results on Ideals of Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    the 10th International Conference Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications(AHA 2008), 2008
  30. "Quotient structures on hyper BCK and K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    the 10th International Conference Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications(AHA 2008), 2008
  31. "Review on hyper K and BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference Shahid Bahunar of Kerman, 2008
  32. "Reviw on hyper K and BCK-modules"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference Shahid Bahunar of Kerman, 2008
  33. "Some results on bck-modules"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference Shahid Bahunar of Kerman, pp.668-671, 2008
  34. "Hyper BCK and K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    2nd workshop on algebraic hyperstructures and fuzzy mathematics, 2008
  35. "fuzzy ordered algebraic structures"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    Workshop on Fuzzy Systems, 2008
  36. "Prime Weak Hyper BCK-ideal of Lower BCK-semilattice"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H Harizavi
    19th Algebra Seminar, pp.13-16, 2008
  37. "Some results on Generalization of BCK-algebras"
    J Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    19th Algebra Seminar, pp.157-160, 2008
  38. "Relations among implication algebras hilbert algebras and lattice implication algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    The Third International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, 2008
  39. "Fuzzy theory related to the non-classical logic algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference on New Energy Sources, 2007
  40. "Negation and implication algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    38th Iranian Mathematics Conferences, pp.70-72, 2007
  41. "Relation Among Implicative Algebras and some ordered Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Khosravi shoar
    Algorithmic Complexity and Universal Algebra, 2007
  42. "Topics in Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Workshop on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Fuzzy Mathematics, 2007
  43. "Fuzzy Congruence Relations On Hypergroupoid"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M Bakhshi
    18th Seminar on Algebra, pp.45-48, 2007
  44. "Basic bci-algebra and abelian groups are equivalent"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    18th Seminar on Algebra, pp.118-120, 2007
  45. "Some results on Lattice srtuctures of some ordered Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    Summer School on General Algebra and Orderd Sets, 2006
  46. "Some Results on Lattice Structures of Some Ordered Algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mahmood Bakhshi
    Summer School on General Algebra and Orderd Sets, 2006
  47. "Chain conditions in Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Mahmood Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    37th Anuall Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.15-18, 2006
  48. "Join Spaces of Fuzzy Structures"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC36), 2005
  49. "Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC36), 2005
  50. "Construction of BCC-algebras"
    J Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC36), 2005
  51. "Multiplicative Positive Implicative Ideals in BCK-algebras"
    H Karami, Rajabali Borzooei
    36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC36), 2005
  52. "Representation of Fuzzy Hyperstructures"
    M Bakhshi, M Mashinchi, Rajabali Borzooei
    9th International Conference in Algebraic Hyperstructures its Applications(AHA 2005), 2005
  53. "Classification of Hyper BCC-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, N. Kohestani, J. Shohani
    9th International Conference in Algebraic Hyperstructures its Applications(AHA 2005), 2005
  54. "Positive Implicative Hyper K-ideals on Hyper K-algebras"
    M Meherpooya, Rajabali Borzooei
    9th International Conference in Algebraic Hyperstructures its Applications(AHA 2005), 2005
  55. "Join Space of Ordered (Hyper) Algebras"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei, M Mashinchi
    9th International Conference in Algebraic Hyperstructures its Applications(AHA 2005), 2005
  56. "Fuzzy congruence Relations and Isomophism Theorems on Hyper BCK -algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 2005
  57. "Boolean Lattice Structure on Weak Hyper BCK-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    Novi Sad Algebraic Conference 2005, 2005
  58. "Classification of Generalized Polygroups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, G.R Rezaei
    Novi Sad Algebraic Conference 2005, 2005
  59. "The Category of Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H Harizavi
    35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC35), 2005
  60. "Some Results On Hyper BCC-algebras"
    N Kouhestani, Rajabali Borzooei
    35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC35), 2005
  61. "On (Nil) Radical of a Weak Hyper BCK-ideal"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC35), 2005
  62. "Lattice of Weak Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    16th Seminar on Algebra, pp.89-93, 2004
  63. "On Hyper BCC-algebras"
    N Kouhestani, J Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    16th Seminar on Algebra, pp.128-131, 2004
  64. "Fuzzy Quotient Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M Bakhshi
    5th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.263-270, 2004
  65. "Fuzzy (Weak) Implicative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M.M Zahedi, M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    5th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.247-254, 2004
  66. "Correspondence Theorem for Fuzzy Congruence Relationson Hyper BCK-algebras"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    5th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.239-246, 2004
  67. "Isomorphism Theorems on Hyper K -algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H. Harizavi
    ALC-2004, 2004
  68. "Some results on Generalized Polygroups"
    Rajabali Borzooei, G.R Rezaei
    International Conference Mathematics, 2003
  69. "Limits in category of MV-algebras"
    M.M Zahedi, S. Kaviani, Rajabali Borzooei
    International Conference Mathematics, 2003
  70. "Construction of Quotien Hyper BCK-algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H. Harizavi
    International Conference Mathematics, 2003
  71. "Isomorphism Theorems in hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H Harizavi
    34th Iranian Mathematics Conference, 2003
  72. "Some Connections between Hyper I-algebras and Polygroups"
    M.M Zahedi, L. Torkzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    4th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, 2003
  73. "Commutative Hyper BCK -IDEALS"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M. Bakhshi
    4th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, 2003
  74. "Some Types of Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M Bakhshsi, Rajabali Borzooei
    15th Seminar on Algebra, 2003
  75. "Regular Equivalence Relation on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    H Harizavi, Rajabali Borzooei
    15th Seminar on Algebra, 2003
  76. "Fuzzy Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-idealsof type 5 6 7 8"
    M.M Zahedi, M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    4th Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, pp.211-218, 2003
  77. "Some Kinds of Fuzzy (weak) Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M Bakhshi
    4th Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, 2003
  78. "Fuzzy Commutative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    4th Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, pp.30-36, 2003
  79. "On Positive implicative Hyper K-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    International Congress of Mathematicians, 2002
  80. "Some Ordered (Hyper) Algebraic and Fuzzystructures of Their"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi, M Bkhashi
    Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, 2002
  81. "Some Results on (Anti-)Fuzzy Positive Implicative HyperKideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, pp.46-54, 2002
  82. "Fuzzy Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, pp.14-22, 2002
  83. "Product Equalizer Initial and Terminal Objects in Category of MV-algebras"
    S Kaviani, Rajabali Borzooei
    14th Algebra Seminar, 2002
  84. "(Weak) Implicative Hyper BCK-ideals"
    M Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    14th Algebra Seminar, 2002
  85. "On(Positive) implicative Hyper K-ideals"
    S.A Borumand, Rajabali Borzooei
    Abstracts of the AAA63-Workshop on General Algebra combined with CYA17-Conference of Young Algebraists, 2002
  86. "Some Results On Hyper K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Abstracts of the AAA63-Workshop on General Algebra combined with CYA17-Conference of Young Algebraists, 2002
  87. "Some Results on Hyper K-algebra of order 3 and a computer Demonstrtion of it"
    H Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    8th International Congress on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications (8th AHA), 2002
  88. "(Strong weak) Implicative Hyper K-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, S.A Borumand, M.M Zahedi
    8th International Congress on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications (8th AHA), pp.103-114, 2002
  89. "Generalized Polygroup"
    G.R Rezaei, Rajabali Borzooei
    8th International Congress on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications (8th AHA), pp.223-230, 2002
  90. "Some results on (Weak) Implicative Hyper K-ideals"
    S.A Borumand, M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei
    8th International Congress on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications (8th AHA), pp.91-102, 2002
  91. "Fuzzy Positive implicative Hyper K-ideals of type1 2 3 and 4"
    M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, H. Rezaei
    Proceedings of the 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS 2001, pp.1210-1215, 2001
  92. "Fuzzy positive implicative Hyper K-ideals of type 5 6 7and 8"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS 2001, pp.1-6, 2001
  93. "Classification of Generalized groups of order 2and3"
    Rajabali Borzooei, G. Rezaei, M.R Molaei
    Proceedings of the WSES Annual Multiconference in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (NEW FAQ), pp.29-33, 2000
  94. "Varlet and additive HyperK -ideals of a hyper K-algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the International Congress Constantin Caratheodory in his ... origins, pp.91-100, 2000
  95. "A Cassifications of Hyper K-algebras of order3 which satisfy the simple condition"
    M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, H Rezaei
    Proceedings of the International Congress Constantin Caratheodory in his ... origins, pp.207-216, 2000
  96. "Hyper BCK-algebraof order 3"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H. Rezai, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the International Congress Constantin Caratheodory in his ... origins, 2000
  97. "On positive implicative Hyper K-Ideal of type 1 2 3 and 4"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 31th Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.283-291, 2000
  98. "A classifications of Hyper K-Algebra of order 3 which satisfy the normal condition"
    M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, H Rezaei
    Proceedings of the 31th Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.317-325, 2000
  99. "Fuzzy Hyper K-subalgebras and Hyper K-ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp.222-227, 2000
  100. "On Hypergroup"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A Hasankhani, H Rezaei
    Proceedings of the 12th Algebra Seminar (World Mathematical year), pp.20-29, 2000
  101. "varlet and additive Hyper BCK-Ideals"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B Jun, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 12th Algebra Seminar (World Mathematical year), pp.30-36, 2000
  102. "Weak Hyper BCK -algebra (ideal)"
    Rajabali Borzooei, A. Hasan khani, M.M Zahehdi, Y.B Jun
    Proceedings of the 30th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, pp.43-47, 1999
  103. "Bounded Weak Hyper BCK-algebra"
    M.M Zahedi, Rajabali Borzooei, A. Hasan khni
    Proceedings of the 30th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, pp.65-69, 1999
  104. "Some Results on Hyper BCK-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Y.B Jun, M.M Zahedi
    Abstracts of the International Congress AHA-99, 1999
  105. "Statistical Review of mathematics Education in new High school Organization"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    3th Iranian Conference of mathematics education, pp.65-75, 1997
  106. "Fuzzy Topological Space"
    Rajabali Borzooei, G.R Rezaei
    Abstracts of the 7th Seminar on Analysis and its Applications, 1996
  107. "On fuzzy Algebraic field and fuzzy Transcendental basis"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 26th Iranian Mathematical Conference, pp.309-315, 1995
  108. "On fuzzy (algebraic)separable Field extension"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 25th Iranian Mathematical Conference, 1994
  109. "Fuzzy subfiled and fuzzy algbraic Field Extention"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the 24th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference, pp.19-24, 1993
  110. "Fuzzy Algebraice field Extensions"
    Rajabali Borzooei, M.M Zahedi
    Proceedings of the first asian fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp.1102-1107, 1993
  111. "Degree-Associated Reconstruction Number of Balanced"
    Mehrnoosh Shadravan, Rajabali Borzooei
    51st Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.463-466, 2021
  112. "Connected Graphs are Hesitancy Fuzzy Magic Labelizing Graphs"
    M. Fathalian, M. Hamidi, Rajabali Borzooei
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.74-79, 2019
  113. "New Concepts of Matching in Fuzzy Graphs"
    Majid Khalili, Rajabali Borzooei
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.1-4, 2019
  114. "MBJ-Neutrosophic Graphs"
    Elham Babaei, Rajabali Borzooei, Y. B. Jun
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.34-39, 2019
  115. "Ideals of (MV )EMV -Semirings"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Marjan Shenavaie, omid Zahiri
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.347-352, 2019
  116. "New Concept of T-Fuzzy Graph"
    Rajabali Borzooei, B. Sheikh Hoseini, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.143-147, 2019
  117. "Cubic Structure Applied to Graph"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Young Bae Jun
    7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, pp.218-224, 2019
  118. "New Concept of Vague Soft Graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini
    6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems., pp.158-161, 2018
  119. "Lexicographic Product of Vague Graphs"
    Mohammad Mohseni Takallo, Rajabali Borzooei, Behnaz Sheikhhoseini
    6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems., 2018
  120. "Local and Locally Finite Equality Algebras"
    Massomeh Zarean, Rajabali Borzooei
    6th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2018
  121. "Relation between equality algebras and some logical algebras"
    mona aaly kolagani, fathme zebardast, Rajabali Borzooei
    9th National Conference on Mathematics of Payame Noor University, 2017
  122. "Logic of Lattice Eect Algebras"
    AmirHossein Sharafi, Rajabali Borzooei, Anatolij Dvure?censkij, Soroush Rafiee Rad, Sonja Smets
    48th Annual Iranian mathematics conference, 2017
  123. "A Fuzzy Epistemic Logic"
    AmirHossein Sharafi, Rajabali Borzooei, Hadi Farahani
    International Conference on Mathematics of Fuzziness, 2016
  124. "Fuzzy Filters on Hyper Hoop-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hamid Reza Varasteh
    4th Iranian joint congress of fuzzy and intelligent systems, No 978-1-4673 , pp.4-8, 2015
  125. "Some new concepts on highly irregular vague graphs"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Hossein Rashmanlou, Sunil Mathew
    4th Iranian joint congress of fuzzy and intelligent systems, No 978-1-4673 , pp.8-12, 2015
  126. "A New Definition for Nilpotent Fuzzy Subgroups"
    Elham Mohammadzadeh, Rajabali Borzooei
    4th Iranian joint congress of fuzzy and intelligent systems, No 978-1-4673 , pp.1-4, 2015
  127. "The Noetherian MV -modules"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Simin Saidi Goraghani
    4th Iranian joint congress of fuzzy and intelligent systems, No 978-1-4673 , pp.10-14, 2015
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    , 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    , 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    , 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    , 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei,
    , 2009
    - -, Asad Saeedian, Rajabali Borzooei
    , 2009
    Rajabali Borzooei
    , 2009
  135. "boolean lattice structures on generalized hilbert algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    2008 summer school on algebra and ordered sets, 2008
  136. "More Results about Generalization of BCK-algebras"
    Javad Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    37th Anuall Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.102-105, 2006
  137. "Fuzzy Congruence Relations on Gamma Near-Rings"
    M Bakhshi, F. Aghaei, Rajabali Borzooei
    6th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems and 1th Islamic World Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.417-417, 2006
  138. "Lattice Structure on Ideals of a (Hyper) BCK-algebra"
    Rajabali Borzooei, Mahmood Bakhshi
    6th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems and 1th Islamic World Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.431-441, 2006
  139. "Fuzzy Regular Congruence Relations on BCC-algebras"
    Mahmood Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    6th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems and 1th Islamic World Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.418-430, 2006
  140. "On the Lattice of Weak Hyper K-ideals of Hyper K-algebras"
    Mahmood Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    17th Seminar on Algebra, pp.34-39, 2006
  141. "Properties of Negation in BCK-algebras and Hilbert Algebras"
    Javad Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    17th Seminar on Algebra, pp.22-25, 2006
  142. "Topics on BCK-algebras"
    Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi, Mahmood Bakhshi, Rajabali Borzooei
    17th Seminar on Algebra, pp.1-26, 2006
  143. "Category of Hyper K(BCK)-algebras"
    Rajabali Borzooei, H Harizavi
    17-th Algebra Seminar, pp.48-51, 2006
  144. "Properties of Negation in BCK-algebras and Hilbert Algebras"
    Javad Shohani, Rajabali Borzooei
    17th Seminar on Algebra, pp.22-25, 2006
  145. "7th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems"
    Rajabali Borzooei
    Iron and Steel Symposium 2004, 2004