Ali Katanforoush

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Ali Katanforoush

Mathematical Sciences / Computer Science

Journal Paper

  1. "Network Analysis of Informal Social Media Conversations about Autism"
    Zahra Rezvani, Naghme Jamali, Ali Katanforoush, Mohammad Sabokrou
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, Vol. 3, pp.16-21, 2023
  2. "Community detection in multi-relational directional networks"
    Zahra Roozbahani, Jalal Rezaeenour, Ali Katanforoush
    Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 67, 2023
  3. "Identification of novel key regulatory lncRNAs in gastric adenocarcinoma"
    Seyedeh Houri Razavi, Ali Katanforoush
    BMC GENOMICS, Vol. 23, 2022
  4. "Personalization of the collaborator recommendation system in multi-layer scientific social networks: A case study of ResearchGate"
    Zahra Roozbahani, Jalal Rezaeenour, Ali Katanforoush, Amir Jalaly Bidgoly
    EXPERT SYSTEMS, Vol. 39, 2021
  5. "Global precedence changes by environment: A systematic review and meta-analysis on effect of perceptual field variables on global-local visual processing"
    Zahra Rezvani Kashani, Ali Katanforoush, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    Attention Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 82, pp.2348-2359, 2020
  6. "ISCMF: Integrated similarity-constrained matrix factorization for drug-drug interaction prediction"
    Narjes Rohani, Changiz Eslahchi, Ali Katanforoush
    Network Modeling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Vol. 9, 2020
  7. "Arbitrary Eye Movement Strategies in Global-Local Processing Experiments"
    Zahra Rezvani Kashani, Ali Katanforoush, Richard van Wezel, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, Vol. 2, pp.98-109, 2019
  8. "Accelerating datapath merging by task parallelisation on multicore systems"
    Mahmood Fazlali, Mohammad Fallah, Naemeh Hosseinpour, Ali Katanforoush
    International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, pp.1-14, 2019
  9. "An Analysis of Gene Expression Variations in Lymphoma Using a Fuzzy Classification Model"
    Roozbahani Zahra, Jalal Rezaei Noor, Mansoureh Yari Eili, Ali Katanforoush
    Journal of Health Management and Informatics, Vol. 4, pp.1-6, 2017
  10. "Parallel implementation of quorum planted (l d) motif search on multi-core/many-core platforms"
    Fazeleh Sadat Kazemian, Mahmood Fazlali, Ali Katanforoush, Mojtaba Rezvani
    MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS, Vol. 46, pp.255-263, 2016
  11. "MiRNA Target Recognition using Features of Suboptimal Alignments"
    Ali Katanforoush,
    International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 13, pp.171-180, 2015
  12. "Effect of PITX2 knockdown on transcriptome of primary human trabecular meshwork cell cultures"
    Hassan Paylakhi, Fan Jian-Bing, Shahin Yazdani, Mohadeseh Mehrabian, Ali Katanforoush, Elahe Elahi
    MOLECULAR VISION, pp.1209-1221, 2011
  13. "Haplotype block partitioning and tagSNP selection under the perfect phylogeny model"
    Changiz Eslahchi, Ali Katanforoush, Nargess Afzaly, Hamid Pezeshk
    Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9, pp.1209-1221, 2011
  14. "Global haplotype partitioning for maximal associated SNP pairs"
    Ali Katanforoush, Mehdi Sadeghi, Hamid Pezeshk, Elahe Elahi
    BMC BIOINFORMATICS, Vol. 269, pp.269-284, 2009
  15. "Effectiveness of computerized motion-based cognitive rehabilitation on improvement of working memory of children with ADHD"
    Jalili Fateme, Vahid Nejati, Ahadi Hasan, Ali Katanforoush
    Vol. 29, pp.171-180, 2019
  16. ""
    Zahra Roozbehani, Ali Katanforoush, ,
    Vol. 9, pp.8-15, 2015

Conference Paper

  1. "A Semi-supervised Fake News Detection using Sentiment Encoding and LSTM with Self-Attention"
    Pouya Shaeri, Ali Katanforoush
    13th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2023), pp.590-595, 2023
  2. "Prediction of subcellular localization of multi-location proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana using a probabilistic model integrating family-driven and protein-protein features"
    Seyedeh Houri Razavi, Ali Katanforoush
    , pp.93-93, 2018
  3. "How unseen communities of instagram users are revealed using the real-valued collocations of hashtags"
    Sara Abdollahi Bejandi, Ali Katanforoush
    2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), pp.487-491, 2017
  4. "How Iranian Instagram users act for parliament election campaign A study based on followee network"
    Zahra Aminolroaya, Ali Katanforoush
    2017 3th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), pp.1-6, 2017
  5. ""
    Ali Katanforoush, Zahra Aminolroaya
    2nd International Conference on Web Research, 2016
  6. "haplotype block partitioning and tagsnp selection under the perfect phylogeny"
    Changiz Eslahchi, Ali Katanforoush
    (tcwmc 2010) the third conference and workshop on mathematical chemistry, 2010
  7. ""
    Pegah Jafarian, Ali Katanforoush
    , pp.62-67, 2023
  8. "Arbitrary eye movement strategy in global-local processing experiments"
    Zahra Rezvani Kashani, Ali Katanforoush, Richard Van Wezel, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    8th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, 2019
  9. ""
    Ali Katanforoush
    2nd International and 10th National Biotechnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 2017
  10. ""
    Ali Katanforoush,
    Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference 2016, pp.824-828, 2016
  11. "A stroke-level wordnet for Farsi Handwriting Recognition"
    Ali Rezaye Esfahani, Farhood Farahnak, Ali Katanforoush
    , pp.232-235, 2015
  12. "Recognition of Farsi Handwriting Strokes using Profile HMM"
    Ali Katanforoush, Zahra Rezvani Kashani
    2nd international conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IPRIA 2015, 2015
  13. "Classification of Gene Expression Data using Multiple Ranker"
    Ali Katanforoush
    contemprary concepts in computer science (CCCS) l, pp.44-48, 2012
  14. ""
    Ali Katanforoush, Mehdi Sadeghi, Changiz Eslahchi, Hamid Pezeshk
    , pp.8-13, 2010